A movement for city-wide transformation
Transforming tomorrow together.
A city-wide movement to imagine, inspire and ignite transformation through God’s love.
Imagining a flourishing future, inspiring leaders, and igniting the next generation through:
One City Week
October 1 – 6, 2024
If the Church of Fort Wayne took an obedient step toward Jesus’ command in John 13 to love one another and lived out His prayer in John 17 to be ‘one’.
If the Church of Fort Wayne committed to love our neighbor, serve the least of these, and make disciples in the ev eryday, united as ‘one’.
If the Church of Fort Wayne prayerfully sought the peace and prosperity of our community as ‘one’.
Pray Fort Wayne
Learn more about the 24-7 Prayer Room at Electric Works.
Global Leadership Summit
Thursday-Friday, August 7-8, 2025
“Everyone wins when a leader gets better!” And now the most important segments of our community will have a chance to WIN due to the expanding vision of what started 20 years ago at Blackhawk Ministries! Join us as we don’t just lead, but love our city!
Lori Whitman — Spiritual Development Coordinator at Parkview Health
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