One City Week
October 1 - 6, 2024
If the Church of Fort Wayne took an obedient step toward Jesus’ command in John 13 to love one another and lived out His prayer in John 17 to be ‘one’.
If the Church of Fort Wayne committed to love our neighbor, serve the least of these, and make disciples in the ev eryday, united as ‘one’.
If the Church of Fort Wayne prayerfully sought the peace and prosperity of our community as ‘one’.
See below for a list of the week’s events! We would love to have you with us!

One City Together - October 1, 2024
One City Together is a gathering for believers in like-mission ministries, outreaches and organizations to connect, share, pray and be encouraged. This two-hour gathering includes celebrating God’s work in the city, building connections, sharing experiences, and praying for each other, while being equipped with actionable steps to practice working together to make transformational impacts in our city.
Tuesday, October 1st | 9 – 11 AM | First Missionary Church, 701 W. Rudisill Blvd.

One City Worship October 2, 2024
As part of One City Week, our monthly morning prayer gathering will be taking place on the EVENING of October 2nd at the Clyde Theatre! Join others from throughout our city for a special evening of prayer rooted in the Psalms and enjoy an intimate time of worship led by Joe L Barnes (formally of Maverick City Music). It will be an evening of unified prayer and worship that you won’t want to miss
This is a FREE gathering – Mark your calendar today!
Wednesday, October 2nd 6:30 – 8 PM | The Clyde Theatre, 1806 Bluffton Road

One City Prayer Conference October 3 - 4, 2024
Join us for a powerful few days of prayer, worship, learning from Scripture, and responding to the Spirit. Hosted by 24-7 USA this two-day prayer conference will equip the Church of our city to broaden our vision for a life of prayer to include the varied prayer practices handed down through church history. Additionally, we will pray for the needs of our community and be led in worship by six different local worship ministries.
Thursday – Friday, October 3rd & 4th , doors open at 8am each day | Grace Gathering Church, 3157 Minnich Rd. New Haven IN.

One City Serve October 5, 2024
Hosted by Neighborlink, One City Serve will unify the congregations of our city to love our neighbors through a morning of citywide community service that will partner churches to work alongside each other to love our neighbor as Christ loves the Church. Join others from throughout the city for a morning unfired serve among our congregations!
Saturday, October 5th 8am – 1pm | Registrants will meet at the USF Performing Arts Center Parking lot

One City Word October 6, 2024
All over our city, Pastors will teach a unified message declaring our oneness in Jesus and Jesus as Lord of our city! In addition, congregations will be encouraged to pray for one another as an expression of our unity.
Sunday, October 6th
Lori Whitman — Spiritual Development Coordinator at Parkview Health
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